What Is The Best CBD For Sleep?

There are many reasons why you might add CBD to your daily or as-needed routine, including sleep. If you’re stressed out, toss and turn at night, or wake up feeling exhausted, it’s time to try something new. There are a variety of oral and topical CBD products to choose from. This article covers the best CBD for sleep and how it helps you relax and unwind.

Do CBD Gummies Get You To Sleep?

Do CBD Gummies Get You To Sleep?

Several factors can keep you up at night or decrease the quality of your sleep. It’s important to identify the cause of your poor sleep. Stress, anxiety, and pain will likely be at the top of the list. However, if you’re unsure why you’re not sleeping well, reach out to your physician. If your insomnia is chronic, also let your physician know, as there may be something else going on.

When it comes to using CBD, remember that CBD companies don’t provide medical advice. CBD is a nutritional supplement, and the research and statistics we share are for informational purposes only.

A recent 3-month-long study found that almost 67 percent of the study participants had improved sleep after taking CBD before bedtime. Results like this are why many of our customers give CBD a try.

Do Sleep Gummies Work As Well As CBD Oil?

Do Sleep Gummies Work As Well As CBD Oil?

There are a variety of oral and topical CBD products to choose from. Gummies are popular because they taste delicious. They’re one of the hottest supplement trends at the moment. In terms of serving amount, gummies are easier to dispense than oil, but both provide the same benefits. However, you might not like the taste of oil, so gummies may be a better fit for you.

Gummies are also a discreet and easy way to take CBD on the go. Also consider softgel capsules filled with CBD oil.

The advantage of oil is that it’s a product that can be used both orally and topically. It can also be used in cooking, baking, or for mixing into beverages. Just remember that the serving of CBD gets watered down a bit when you mix CBD oil into food and drinks.

How Many CBD Gummies Should I Take For Sleep?

How Many CBD Gummies Should I Take For Sleep?

There is no set-in-stone CBD for sleep serving, so you’ll have to experiment to find out what works for you. Each Holmes Organics CBD Gummy has 10 mg of cannabis. Most of our customers begin with 1 or 2 gummies per night. However, you may need a bit more, depending on your individual needs.

Your physician or wellness professional can advise you on the appropriate number of nighttime and daily milligrams.

How Long Before Bed Should I Take A CBD Gummy?

How Long Before Bed Should I Take A CBD Gummy?

Your body will absorb an oil tincture placed directly under your tongue a bit faster. However, gummies and softgels should be taken about an hour before bedtime. Gummies are ideal at night because you don’t have to take them with water. This is a particular benefit if your insomnia is caused in part by having to get up in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom.

If you eat or drink a beverage other than water at the same time as your gummy or softgel, it will dilute the serving amount a bit. Ideally, you shouldn’t be eating an hour before bedtime, but circumstances aren’t always ideal.

What If I Have Sleep Apnea?

What If I Have Sleep Apnea?


If you have sleep apnea, CBD may help. Currently, there’s only minimal research on the effects of using marijuana for sleep apnea, and no research on CBD. The studies have been too small to provide conclusive results. The rationale for CBD is that if the body and muscles are relaxed, sleep apnea symptoms will be minimized.

Discuss your sleep apnea options with your physician, as CBD may be part of your personalized treatment plan. Sleep apnea is a serious condition, so you must work with your physician.

What If I Have Physical Pain?

What If I Have Physical Pain?

If you have neck, back, hip, or other physical pain that makes lying in bed uncomfortable, you may want to consider a topical product. Topical CBD allows you to target and soothe inflamed muscles and joints. While a CBD gummy may also soothe your body, a topical may work faster.

When it comes to natural pain management, you can choose to use a combination of both topical and oral products—maybe a targeted topical during the day and CBD sleep gummies at night.

What Can I Do In Addition To Taking CBD For Sleep?

What Can I Do In Addition To Taking CBD For Sleep?

While CBD may soothe your mind and body, it should be part of your broader nighttime sleep routine. Every aspect of your health and wellness plan should be personalized, including your sleep routine. So, consider adding in a mix of the following tips:

  • Head to bed and wake up within the same 30 minutes each morning and evening. This will regulate your body’s melatonin production, which helps you sleep and wake up.
  • Unplug from all electronic devices other than an eReader no less than 1 hour before bed. At the very least, turn on the blue light filter or wear blue-light glasses, as LED light is a stimulant.
  • Don’t consume caffeine after 2 p.m. or 3 p.m. Switch to caffeine-free coffee and herbal tea instead.
  • Stop drinking all fluids 2 hours before bedtime.
  • Set a time each day that you stop checking your emails for work. This should be at least 2 hours before bedtime, ideally much sooner. Either way, never work in your bedroom.
  • Be mindful of what you read and watch on TV in the last hour or two before bed. Watching the news or reading or watching a psychological thriller before bed can stress you out, keep you up, or disrupt your sleep.
  • Work out 4 or 5 days a week to release physical tension, but not more than 1 hour before bed.
  • Create a personalized nighttime routine that may include traditional journaling, gratitude journaling, a shower or bath, gentle stretching, meditation, aromatherapy, and more.
  • Utilize a sleep app, sound therapy, or other sleep aids while in bed.
  • Upgrade your mattress, pillows, body pillows, and sheets so you’re more comfortable in bed.
  • Minimize external stressors such as sound, light, temperature, and pets. You may even have to ask your snoring partner to wear nose strips to bed.

What Else Can I Take CBD For?

What Else Can I Take CBD For?

Between our jam-packed schedules and personal and professional stressors, almost everyone could stand to improve the quality of their sleep. However, sleep isn’t the only reason our customers turn to Holmes Organics.

With .3% THC or less, CBD delivers the benefits of marijuana without the high. In states where marijuana is legal, many customers take a mix of both. Those who have prescriptions for medicinal marijuana add CBD to the mix when they need to work, drive, operate heavy machinery, or can’t risk the cognitive impairment of higher levels of THC.

Hemp-derived CBD affects everyone differently, so listen to what your body is telling you and see how it makes you feel. It may soothe your mind and body to help with:

  • Stress
  • Anxiety
  • Insomnia
  • Lack of focus
  • Pain management
  • Accident or injury recovery
  • Mental health conditions
  • Increased energy
  • Overall wellness
  • And more!

When it comes to using CBD, remember that CBD companies don’t provide medical advice. CBD is a nutritional supplement, and the research and statistics we share are for informational purposes only.

Coming Soon—Holmes Organics Sleep Gummy!

Holmes Organics Sleep Gummy

Holmes Organics is excited to announce that we will be introducing a new Sleep Gummy with Melatonin in the Fall of 2021!

By infusing our CBD with melatonin, we aim to improve its function and support your whole-body health. Melatonin is one of many naturally occurring hormones that our bodies create. Its primary function is to help us fall asleep faster and wake up with ease each morning.

By heading to bed at approximately the same time each evening, your body will begin to increase melatonin around your bedtime. On the flip side, your body will begin to decrease melatonin in the morning, making you feel less drowsy when you wake.

Unfortunately, as we age, the amount of melatonin we naturally produce begins to decrease. Other factors can decrease melatonin production, such as illness or an erratic sleep schedule. For example, if you’re a nurse, doctor, firefighter, or if you work a swing shift. In such cases, taking a melatonin supplement may help.

While many Holmes Organics customers share that they rely on our current products for a restful night’s sleep, our upcoming melatonin blend is the best CBD for sleep.

Ready To Try CBD For Sleep Gummies?

CBD For Sleep

The only way to determine if CBD can improve the quality of your sleep is to give it a try. We suggest you take it for at least a few weeks before making your decision. Adjust the serving amount to find what works for you. If your insomnia is short-term, you might only use it as needed. However, you may find that CBD optimizes your wellness in more ways than just improving your sleep!

We invite you to browse Holmes Organics CBD Products. We’re USDA-Certified, third-party lab tested, and never watered down with toxic additives and fillers!

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