What Is CBD? Everything You Need To Know About CBD, THC, And Why Some Products Are Legal In All 50 States
There is a lot of confusion about what cannabis is and whether CBD products are the same thing as marijuana. This is not an easy yes or no question as the answer varies from one product to the next. Here is an in-depth look at what you need to know to understand the difference between products that get you high and hemp-based, non-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) products that have all the medicinal benefits without the high.
What Is The Endocannabinoid System?
The first thing that may come to mind when you think of the hemp or cannabis plant is how it is related to the ongoing debate of legalizing marijuana, but cannabinols (CBD) is a type of cannabinoid—and cannabinoids are a naturally occurring compound that our body creates as part of our endocannabinoid system. There are over 100 cannabinoids, of which THC and CBD are just two.
Our body creates cannabinoids as a type of cellular messengers that assist in the vital process of homeostasis. Homeostasis is the process of keeping our body internally balanced. This includes regulation of temperature, hormones, pH, coordination, pain control, mood, memory, quality of sleep, appetite, and more. There are two main endocannabinoid systems:
- CB1 which is in the central nervous system (brain and nerves of the spinal cord)
- CB2 which is in the peripheral nervous system (nerves in your extremities), the digestive system, and specialized cells in the immune system
Is There THC In CBD Products And Why Are Some CBD Is Legal In All 50 States?
While THC and CBD are two cannabinoids found in hemp, CBD is unique in its ability to connect the CB1 and CB2 receptors. This connection optimizes our endocannabinoid system, providing the unique medical benefits of the cannabis plant. This means the THC, which is what makes you high, does not need to be present to enjoy the medical benefits of CBD.
As to whether there is THC in a CBD product varies from one product to the next. In states where marijuana is legal for medical or recreational purposes you can find products that have full doses of THC, low levels of THC, and no-THC. In states where marijuana is not legal you can legally purchase products that are made from low-THC strains of hemp, in which the THC is completely removed during processing. This means all the benefits without the high, and without risk of addiction. The creation of 100% THC-free products has many who have long opposed legalization reconsidering it for a variety of purposes—for children, adults, and pets.
What Are Terpenes?
Another common term used when speaking of hemp-based products are terpenes. Terpenes are aromatic compounds found in the naturally occurring oils of every plant, herb, and flower. There are more than 20,000 in existence of which around 100 can be found in most strains of the cannabis plant.
The role of terpenes in relationship to cannabis is to naturally attract us, through our sense of smell, to the products that our individual endocannabinoid system will best respond to. Think of it like a pheromone that attracts you to your partner. Terpenes also attract pollinators with their scent. Every strain of cannabis has a different variety of terpenes and the products (both THC and THC-free) that smell the most appealing are likely the ones that will best meet your needs.
Why Are 100% THC-Free Products Still Up For Debate?
As with many other plants and herbs, cannabis has been used since the beginning of time for its medicinal purposes. With the psychotropic compound THC being eliminated from many oils, supplements, and gels—there is still a big debate regarding its use. Some of it comes down to policy which is written to restrict any form of cannabis use, even if the product is THC-free, and even if marijuana is legalized recreationally.
The Farm Bill of 2018 passed in December of 2018 making hemp a recognized agricultural product, and therefore making hemp-based CBD legal. However, many companies,
universities (particularly sports programs) have policies in place that prohibit cannabis use of any kind.
Most who oppose cannabis oppose drug use of any kind, are unaware of the full range of benefits, or are unaware of the difference between THC and CBD. There is also concern that legalization will be a gateway for approving drug use of other scheduled drugs.
What Are The Benefits Of Cannabis?
Regardless of the strain or whether THC is present or not, the benefits of cannabis are the same. Research shows that cannabis can be used to stimulate the endocannabinoid system and link the CB1 and CB2 receptors to be used:
- As part of treatment for PTSD
- To treat anxiety and depression
- To decrease nausea and increase appetite
- Shrink cancer tumors
- Minimize the frequency of tumors
- Reduce pain and inflammation
- Improve quality of sleep
- To improve brain health
- And more!
*We here at Holmes Organics are NOT making and medical claims about ANY of our CBD products. Please contact a physician if you have any questions concerning cures, treatments, or anything concerning prescription medicine.
What Holmes Organics Customers Have To Say
Understanding the benefits of hemp and the difference between THC and CBD often opens people’s minds, but hearing the impact from real people who don’t fit the “stoner” stereotype can take understanding to the next level. Here is what some of our current customers have to say.
"My Staffordshire terrier has been dealing with arthritis in her back-right knee for a little over 2 yrs. I have tried every medicine known to man as well as have tried many herbal remedies. Holmes Organics in just a month has done more for my baby than any prescribed medicine. Not only does she run up and down the steps again, but we can finally throw her favorite ball again. Thanks to Holmes Organics I not only got my dog back but my best friend as well! One happy repeat customer you’ll have for life." Stacy, St. Louis, MO
“Adding a drop of Holmes Organics keeps me balanced. No matter how much caffeine or how many stressful events happen in a day, the health benefits of this oil keeps me balanced." Chloe, Atlanta, GA
When it comes to selecting a hemp-based, 100% THC-free product quality is key. Holmes Organics products are pure and our processing is transparent. If you are searching for a superior alternative to your current product or are considering hemp-based CBD for the first time we invite you to browse our current CBD product line.