Premium CBD Oil
Holmes Organics is proud to offer a range of USDA Certified Organic CBD tinctures that are crafted with the utmost quality and attention. Each batch is tested by an independent lab, so you can trust in their transparency, safety standards and potency every time! Enjoy our selection of broad spectrum (no THC!) formulas—discover how these premium CBD products may help improve your life today!

What are the ultimate benefits of CBD Oil?
Hemp-derived CBD products continue to grow in popularity. If you are considering adding an oral or topical product to your daily or as-needed wellness routine, you are sure to have a few questions.
Holmes Organics offers USDA-Certified organic CBD. Read our FAQ that answers all your questions regarding CBD oil benefits, product selection, storage, and use.
How to use CBD Tincture drops?
Recommended Use: Place the 1 dropper full (1mL) of CBD cannabidiol oil under your tongue using the dropper applicator 1 or more time daily. Hold the oil under your tongue for 30 to 60 seconds, then coat the inside of your mouth. The longer you hold under your tongue, the more of the CBD absorbs into your body sublingually.
Serving: Each dropper applicator has four equal lines to accurately measure your unique serving size. The lines on the dropper applicator read as follows .25m, .50mL, .75mL, and 1.0mL. Some people will need higher doses than others. It depends on why you're taking CBD Oil.
Strengths: Extra strength oils contain 1000mg of Organic Hemp Extract per bottle with 900mg being CBD, with 30 servings of 30mg. Our lower yet still potent strength oils contain 500mg of Organic Hemp Extract per bottle with 450mg being CBD, with 30 servings of 15mg.
Why is organic CBD oil better?
Choosing a CBD oil that is organic and free of added chemicals is essential because it ensures the safe use of a product that will have minimal negative effects on the environment. CBD oils sourced from plants grown organically do not contain heavy metals and harmful pesticides.
Can you buy cbd online legally?
We utilize the best CBD distributors, Labs, Scientists, and products to ensure you are satisfied with every Holmes Organics purchase. We also aim to give you the best experience when consuming our high quality CBD oils.
When you purchase CBD Oil online, see that the brand's products are Third Party Lab tested. You can usually view lab results available on their website. You may also want to check to see if the product labels are shown on each of the product pages. This shows the transparency of the CBD company as they want you to have all the information needed to make an informed decision when purchasing your CBD.
If you type “CBD” into Amazon’s search feature thousands of products will populate, none of which are hemp-based CBD. Find out more why you should NEVER Buy Organic CBD Oil on Amazon.
Is organic CBD oil better?
Choosing an organic CBD oil is important because it indicates that a product is safe and of high quality due to the absence of potentially harmful contaminants. It's a good indicator that the product does not contain harmful toxins or pollutants that are harmful to human health.
Will CBD Oil help me manage stress?
Holmes Organics CBD Oil helps promote homeostasis within the body. Your body and mind has less stress when in a balanced state.
What does broad spectrum mean?
Broad spectrum simply means CBD products that do NOT contain THC. All of Holmes Organics CBD products currently contain 0% THC. While we don't sell full spectrum CBD oil, our products are extremely effective and provides customers with greatest range of wellness benefits possible without any unwanted intoxicating effects.
How many servings are in a bottle of CBD Oil?
Each bottle has approximately 30 servings. We've added a photo of the product label and nutrition facts to all of our product pages.
How often should I take Holmes Organics CBD?
Every person's body responds differently to CBD. Most of our customers consume one serving on a daily basis at various times of the day. You can take Holmes Organics CBD at whatever time that works best for you and your health and wellness needs.
Where can I purchase the best CBD oils?
All of our products are located at our online store : We typically ship out all orders during the same business day, if ordered before 11am CST. Otherwise orders are shipped next business day.
Does Holmes Organics CBD contain THC?
No. Just like all of our broad spectrum products, our CBD Tinctures are THC Free. We DO NOT offer organic full spectrum CBD Oils at this time.
Can you cook with CBD Oil?
Yes. Some of our customers add CBD to their morning coffee, smoothies or tea. Check out our 30+ food recipes with our CBD Oil.
How can I store my CBD Oil tincture?
As you may have already noticed, most CBD products are stored in brown or dark bottles. This is because CBD is heat and light-sensitive. To further prolong its shelf life, store it in a dark cupboard. If you live in a hot or humid environment, you can store your CBD in the refrigerator.
What is the shelf life of CBD Oil?
We recommend using your CBD Oil with 18 months of purchasing. Each Holmes Organics tincture bottle will have "best use by" date on the bottom.Our products have gone through extensive testing to ensure there are no trace amounts of THC. Since we don't offer full spectrum products, we're confident in guaranteeing that Holmes Organics products won't test positive for THC. The legal amount of CBD is less than 0.3 but we take the extra step of removing ALL of the THC.
Here's a link to our third party lab reports:
You can also learn about our extraction process to understand how the THC is removed from our products here:
You will need to check with your job's testing center to make sure the test is ONLY for THC. If so, then you should pass with flying colors if you're ONLY using Holmes Organics products.
Can I use CBD for anxiety?
CBD companies are not allowed to give medical advice. Holmes Organics recommend you speak with a physician to discuss CBD Oil as an option for anxiety.
We've also created articles that may assist you as well:
Cultivating Gratitude In Difficult Times :Maintaining gratitude in difficult times is not easy but it can ignite hope, heal, and help you cope.
Here are a few tips to shift your mindset:
Meditation For Beginners : Meditation for beginners is easiest in group settings or with guided sessions that focus your mind on sounds, breath, counting, or affirmations.
Staying Calm During Times Of Uncertainty: Staying calm during times of uncertainty can be a challenge but with a few small lifestyle changes you can reduce your stress and anxiety.
Can I use Organic CBD Oil for dogs?
Your dog is a precious member of your family so prioritizing their health and wellness are as important to you as your own health. In addition to visiting the vet every 6 months, when sick, or as advised when they are ill—there is a growing list of alternative treatments to consider. From organic CBD oil for dogs to improved nutrition, music therapy, massage, and more.
Holmes Organics CBD oil for dogs is one of many alternative treatments that can help you personalize your dog’s daily routine.
Can I use CBD Oil for pain?
While some people may use CBD for pain, it is irresponsible for a company to make that claim about their products. We believe that all questions asking for medical advice and claims should be for medical professionals.
If you'd like, we've written an article on Natural Ways To Relieve Pain.
Can I use CBD Oil to help me fall asleep?
Lots of people may use CBD oils to help take the edge off right before bed. We can't make the claim of using CBD oil for sleep and we recommend contacting a medical professional for advice.
We've written an informative article on solutions to finally getting a good night's rest.
Is it safe to use CBD Oil on my skin?
Our CBD Tinctures are made with Hemp Extract (which includes CBD), and organic ingredients so they are safe to use on the skin.
Check out our popular CBD Skincare Recipes.
We also have a DIY Clary Sage & Lavender w/ CBD Oil recipe to rub on problem areas.
Can CBD Oil help me gain or lose weight?
Although there are studies that claim CBD helps with a person's weight goals. We can't make that claim. A nutritionist and/or physician may be able to help prescribe a solution. Keep in mind that CBD oil works differently within different people.
If you are looking to achieve a weight goal, we have articles on fitness, dieting, and eating clean:
10 Ways To Prioritize Your Health: Learning to prioritize your health requires you to do more than optimize diet or exercise but focus on your mind, body, and spirit.
Easy Tips For Eating Clean: Eating clean doesn’t require you to go vegan and it’s not as restrictive as you might think. These tips will help you get started.We want you to achieve full body and mind wellness.
Can you overdose on CBD?
To our knowledge, there have been no studies stating that a person can overdose on CBD oil. Some people may feel drowsy after consuming large doses of CBD and other people may have other experiences. Your body may react differently from another person's body while taking CBD, even if you consume the same amount. It's best to consult with a pharmacist on topics concerning overdosing.Before consuming anything, it's good look at the ingredient information to be as informed as possible, even with organic CBD.
Is Holmes Organics CBD Oil water soluble?
No. The only water soluble CBD product we currently offer are our 25mg CBD Softgels.
Is CBD Oil safe to take everyday?
We suggest taking CBD Oil on a daily basis for maximum effectiveness. You can always experiment with different serving amounts and adjust accordingly.
Can You travel with CBD Oil?
If you are wondering if you can travel with CBD the answer is quite complex. While cleared by the TSA if .3% or less THC not all states, countries or custom agents comply. While the Farm Bill of 2018 made hemp-derived CBD with .3% THC or less legal at the federal level, and products can be sold and shipped to all 50 states—there are a few things you need to know before you travel with your preferred supplement or CBD products.
View our detailed article on Traveling With CBD.
Is it better to buy CBD Oil that's organic vs non-organic?
If you have the choice to choose between organic and non-organic, choose organic every time. There are extra steps taken and lab tests done to certify a product as organic. It's extremely hard to classify a product as organic. In order to do so, 95% of the product's ingredients must be certified as organic.
It's even harder to offer a CBD Oil that has zero THC than it is for CBD Oil that has just less than 0.3. Holmes Organics became one of the first CBD brands to offer 100% organic CBD Oil. We are working to offer 100% organic products across our whole store. We aim to provide the absolute best CBD oil on the market.
These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is NOT intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. We hope this page answers your concerns with consuming CBD Oil.
Feel free to Contact customer service if you have questions.