10 Time-Saving Fitness Tips
You aren’t alone if one of the top reasons you skip your weekly workouts is because it’s challenging to fit them into your busy schedule. Turn to the 10 time-saving fitness tips below to ensure you work out and stay fit throughout the day, and that you are always on the lookout for opportunities to be physically active.
1. Schedule It In
To make fitness a priority, you must start scheduling it. It’s easy to say you’ll work out 4 days a week after work, and 1 day on the weekend, but if you don’t create a dedicated time, you are less likely to actually workout. If you can’t commit to the same schedule every day or week, schedule the week ahead every Sunday. That being said, have at least a day or two each week that you commit to a fitness class or working with a personal trainer.
2. Keep A Bag Packed
Invest in a second workout bag, so that you always have one packed and ready to go. Keep one bag in the car and one in your coat closet so that you can grab it on your way out the door. Go one step further and stack or hang your fitness clothing in your closet as full outfits, so it’s easier to pack your gym bag. If you work out at home, get into the habit of laying your workout clothes the night before—even if you won’t be working out until the afternoon. This will act as a visual reminder of the commitment you’ve made to yourself.
3. Work Out In The Morning
Getting up 30 to 60 minutes earlier at least 1 or 2 days a week is an excellent way to begin your day with a burst of energy—and a sense of accomplishment. Not a morning person? Ultimately, you must work out at the time of day you will be the most motivated. If you aren’t a morning person, an after-work trip to the gym is an excellent way to shift gears, but if you have plans with friends, dinner with clients, a kid’s baseball game, or other commitments, you may have to work out in the mornings or on your lunch break at least a day or two a week.
4. Focus On Quality Not Quantity
A common fitness roadblock is that we are too focused on how long we believe our workouts should be. By focusing too much on the number of repetitions or how much cardio you want to work in, you may skip your workout if you don’t have enough time. Even if you enjoy a longer workout, with the right exercises you can get in both cardio and strength training in 20 to 30 minutes. Focus on compound exercises that work multiple muscle groups at the same time, while increasing your heart rate for cardiovascular benefits.
5. Work With A Trainer
It’s not something we talk about enough, but most of us were not taught how to work out. Learning proper technique and form minimizes your risk of injury and improves the quality of your workout. So, consider working out with a personal trainer. Trainers will also customize your workout for your individual goals, push you, hold you accountable, and celebrate with you in your success. Think beyond a traditional personal trainer to in-person or live-streamed yoga, dance, Pilates, or any fitness routine that you enjoy. Even one training session a week can improve the quality of your solo workouts.
6. Mix In At-Home Workouts
With our busy schedules, at-home workouts are a great alternative. So, consider investing in a few essentials, such as a fitness mat and free weights. Then pop on a YouTube video, download a fitness app, or subscribe to a fitness streaming website. The more you enjoy working out at home the more you should invest in your at-home fitness equipment and gear. If at-home workouts are not your thing, consider outdoor workouts, such as cycling and jogging.
7. Mix In Micro Workouts

It’s contrary to everything we’ve heard about fitness, but a 10-minute micro workout can contribute to the same cardiovascular benefits as working out for a full 45-minutes. So, on days when time is tight, squeeze in a shorter workout. Be sure to include at least 1 full minute of high intensity to accelerate fat loss and increase endurance. You’ll also increase circulation, release a bit of physical tension, and rapidly boost your energy. In addition to high-intensity micro workouts, mix in lower intensity stretch and movement sessions that you can complete without breaking a sweat. These are perfect after sitting for an extended period of time, or for releasing tension before heading to bed.
8. Make Fitness Fun
Fitness is supposed to be challenging, but that doesn’t mean it can’t be fun! If gyms aren’t for you, test out a variety of fitness studios. If fitness studios aren’t for you, try a solo or team sport—maybe baseball, tennis, or basketball. Or take a dance class, go cycling, hiking, play water sports, or do anything physical that you enjoy. You might still hit the gym a day or two a week for targeted training, but you’ll be more motivated because your overall fitness schedule is fun.
9. Work Out With A Friend
On the same note of keeping workouts fun, work out with a friend. You’re less likely to skip traditional workouts if you schedule them with a friend, as your time together will be both social and active. You may even push yourself harder, and you’re more likely to try new physical activities with someone to experience them with. If not a friend, find a workout buddy who enjoys the same sports or activities. Don’t forget physical fun with your family, such as playing virtual sports with your kids, a family bike ride, weekly date night salsa class, and planned group activities.
10. Stay Fit All Day Long
This final tip can be one of the most transformative for your health and wellness, because it motivates you to search for activities beyond your scheduled workout times to remain fit. This isn’t just for strength and cardiovascular health, but for your whole-body health. Look for little ways throughout your day to be more physically active. This includes taking the stairs, walking on your lunch break, standing while working, sitting on a balance ball instead of a traditional chair, and stretching. It doesn’t sound like much, but this micro-shift can have a major impact on your mind, body, and spirit. If it’s helpful, wear a fitness tracker to monitor your daily steps and movement and remind you to move more.
Be sure to support your fitness recovery with protein, a day of rest, and Holmes Organics CBD to soothe your muscles.