On this page we have Certificates of Internal Analysis (COIA) and Certificates of Quality Assurance (CQA)— each gives us different information.

The CQA tells us the ingredients, the date of manufacture and attributes (like consistency and color). The COIA gives us the potencies, terpenes, pesticides, solvents and the like.

The COIA is performed on the underlying oil before the final products are made.

 Holmes Organics offers USDA Certified CBD Oil. See Certification Documents here.

Delta-9 THC Gummies

USDA Certified Organic Unflavored CBD Oil Tincture - 450mg

USDA Certified Organic Unflavored CBD Oil Tincture - 900mg


CBD Softgels - 750mg

Strawberry Lemonade CBD Gummies - 300mg

CBD Cream - 1000mg

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