Pulsar Crud Bud Alcohol Filled Cotton Buds

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Discover the ultimate go-to cleaning solution for your smoking gear - the Pulsar Crud Bud Alcohol Filled Cotton Buds. Conveniently packed in a pocket-sized plastic container, each delivery offers 30 alcohol-filled cleaning swabs, making it your handy partner in disinfecting all kinds of smoking gear. Whether it's glass, metal, quartz, plastic, titanium, ceramic, silicone, or any other non-porous surface, these buds break through the crud to leave your gear spotless. Perfect for deep cleaning bangers and electric dab rig coils, these cotton buds are soaked in a 70% alcohol solution and promise to refresh your smoking gear and devices in seconds. With the powerful Pulsar Crud Bud Alcohol Filled Cotton Buds, eliminate the fuss and mess of heavy cleaning. Each lightweight, portable container houses 30 cotton swabs that effortlessly clean and deodorize your smoking tools. From household favorites to electric dab rigs, keep them all pristine and prepped for your next puff session with Pulsar Crud Bud Alcohol Filled Cotton Buds.
Purchase @ Headshop.com

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