CBD Soap Benefits, Risks, And More

Most of the focus of CBD is around its benefits for your mind and body, but it’s also a popular option for skincare and beauty. You can find CBD-infused soap, anti-aging facial products, shampoo, conditioner, and more. Here’s a look at why cannabis so popular for skincare.

Does CBD Soap Work?

Does CBD Soap Work?

CBD oil soap can be found in both bar soap and liquid body soap. It cleanses and absorbs into your skin to help you achieve a variety of skin and beauty benefits. It’s often added to natural soaps that are a combination of skin-healthy oils and butters. The cannabis it’s infused with is also an oil. It’s olive oil infused with hemp leaf and flower extracts. Both the olive oil and the hemp extract have skin and beauty benefits.

While soap is essential for cleansing, many soaps can strip your skin of its natural moisture. By turning to nature and infusing soap with nourishing and moisturizing ingredients you can achieve gentle cleansing.

Olive oil’s skincare and beauty benefits include:

  • Cleansing the skin
  • Reducing oxidative stress
  • Anti-aging properties
  • Anti-inflammatory properties
  • Minimizes acne
  • Promotes collagen production

We’re still awaiting large-scale studies on CBD soap benefits, but there have been a few studies on topical CBD benefits. Even without research, CBD is an increasingly popular ingredient in naturally-derived in anti-aging skincare treatments.

Does CBD Soap Get You High?

Does CBD Soap Get You High?

CBD-infused soap is made from a strain of the cannabis plant with .3 percent or less of THC. THC is the active compound that gets you high. So, no—your soap won’t get you high.

However, pregnant and breastfeeding women should not use oral or topical CBD products.

Be sure to read the label of your skincare and beauty products carefully, as some are hemp seed oil, not CBD. Hemp seed oil has always been legal and has long been used in skincare and beauty products. It is one of many natural oils that you can apply topically to your skin and hair or use to oil cleanse your face. If a product label says “hemp” but not “CBD” it’s a hemp seed oil product.

How To Choose A CBD Soap?

How To Choose A CBD Soap?

Choose your CBD soap bar the same way you would choose any other naturally-derived skin and beauty products. This may include ensuring the product is organic and that it doesn’t contain any synthetic dyes or fragrances.

A common question is whether lye is found in natural soaps? The answer is both yes and no.

Lye, sometimes referred to as caustic soap, is a combination of sodium hydroxide and potassium hydroxide. Being caustic, lye can burn your skin. However, almost every bar soap contains lye as an ingredient. Why? Because it creates the lather required to qualify as a true “soap”.

However, if mixed in the right combination, a chemical process called saponification occurs. This process transforms the lye into glycerine. In other words, it turns the oils into a bar.

While some soaps advertise that they are made with glycerine instead of lye, lye is required to make glycerine.

So, all soaps that lather have lye as an ingredient, but the caustic properties are eliminated during the saponification process.

Can I Add CBD To My Skincare And Beauty Products?

Can I Add CBD To My Skincare And Beauty Products?

Yes! While you can find countless skincare and beauty products that contain CBD, you may not want to give up your current products. For this reason, many of Holmes Organic’s clients keep a bottle of oil tincture in their bathroom to add a drop or to into their daily products.

You can also mix it into the bottle or jar, but you must ensure it mixes in evenly. Also, products in dark containers help maintain the integrity of CBD. Since many skincare products have clear containers or are too difficult to mix your CBD in, adding a drop or two to your daily portions may be easier.

Consider adding CBD to your body wash, conditioner, leave-in conditioner, facial moisturizer, or facial cleanser. You can even add a few drops of CBD oil to facial oil for oil cleansing. Since facial serums are designed to deeply penetrate the pores, it’s not ideal to mix olive oil into serums.

How To Make CBD Soap?

How To Make CBD Soap?

This CBD soap recipe is perfect for beginners. It will make 12 bars, approximately 4 ounces of each. You’ll need a soap making mold, safety goggles, mask, and gloves to protect yourself from the lye. Also, all kitchen items used for making soap should not be used for food.

You could also use a pre-made soap base to speed things up. Just chop the base, melt, and add CBD and your essential oil of choice.


  • 10 ounces coconut oil
  • 2-3 dropper fulls of Holmes Organics CBD
  • 5 ounces cocoa butter
  • 5 ounces shea butter
  • 5 ounces castor oil
  • 5 ounces avocado oil
  • 12.25 ounces filtered water
  • 4.6 ounces lye
  • 1 ounce skin-safe essential oil of choice


  1. Line or prepare your soap making mold per its instructions.
  2. Add all ingredients except the water, lye, and essential oil to a stainless steel pot.
  3. Heat on low and stir until the oils and butters melt and blend. Turn off the heat.
  4. Heat the water to about 120 degrees and pour it into a small glass bowl.
  5. Head outside so that the lye fumes do not contaminate your indoor air. Put on lye-proof goggles, mask, and gloves.
  6. Carefully pour the lye into the water and mix until it’s dissolved.
  7. Head back inside the house.
  8. Take the temperature of both the oil and lye mixture. Stir them together once they are between 90 and 100 degrees. Warm the oil back up if you need to. Do reheat the lye mixture, so keep a close eye.
  9. Mix in your essential oil of choice.
  10. Pour the mixture into your soap making mold using a rubber spatula.
  11. Cover with a towel and let sit somewhere room temperature for 24 hours.
  12. Put rubber or disposable gloves on. At this stage, gloves are not for skin safety, but to ensure you don’t scratch the bars.
  13. Release from the soap making mold and cut.
  14. Let cure for 4 to 6 weeks.
  15. Give as a gift to friends or sell for a bit of extra cash.

Looking For Wholesale CBD For Your Products?

Looking For Wholesale CBD For Your Products?

Everyone can order Holmes Organics online, but if you are a skincare or beauty brand you can access Wholesale CBD Pricing! Our CBD is USDA-Certified Organic, third-party lab tested, and contains zero additives. It’s just organic olive oil and organic hemp extracts!

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