How Long Does 0.3 THC Stay in Your System?
Holmes Organics is one of many CBD brands that processes our CBD products to contain 0.0% THC. Drug tests measure for THC metabolites, not CBD. To ensure purity and zero THC, we have our products third-party lab tested. That said, not all CBD brands are as diligent—so there is no way to guarantee that you won’t fail a drug test when taking CBD. With the new generation of THC products such as Delta 8 and Delta 9, your likelihood of failing a drug test is even higher. So, let’s dive into the question, how long does 0.3 THC stay in your system?
What is Delta 9 THC?
THC is short for delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol. THC is one of the “major” cannabinoids in the cannabis plant. CBD (cannabidiol) is also another “major” cannabinoid. Cannabinoids are the active ingredients that work synergistically to deliver the wellness benefits of hemp and marijuana.
Industrial hemp is legal in all 50 states as long as the plant’s dry weight is at or below 0.3% THC. This is what we refer to as “CBD”. CBD products do not get you high. When we refer to THC, we are typically referring to marijuana—aka. all cannabis plants with a dry weight above 0.3% THC will get you high. But there is a new generation of THC.
When someone specifically refers to Delta 9 THC or hemp-derived THC, they are most often referring to industrial hemp that has extracted the THC in a higher concentration. These products contain both measurable milligrams of THC and CBD and deliver a mild and euphoric high. Since derived from industrial hemp with a dry weight at or below 0.3 THC, in our opinion, these products are legal.
You can also find Delta 8 THC, which is extracted and synthesized from industrial hemp using synthetic solvents. It also provides a milder high than marijuana. Due to the use of synthetic solvents, Holmes Organics doesn’t sell Delta 8 THC.
Can 0.3% THC show up in a drug test?
For most, the objective of answering the question of how long does 0.3 THC stay in your system, is to determine if it will show up on a drug test. First and foremost, there is always a risk that hemp-derived and marijuana-derived products will show up on a drug test.
While hemp-derived products are legal, federal laws don’t distinguish between cannabis products. Even though marijuana is legal in many states, employers, schools, and extracurricular activities can prohibit either or both the use or possession of any type of cannabis product. Or use or being intoxicated while on-site.
Drug tests measure THC by testing your urine, saliva, blood, or hair. How long THC stays in your system varies by factors such as:
- Milligrams per serving
- Frequency of use
- Individual metabolism
- Administration method—oral or topical
- And more
How long does it take for 0.3% THC to leave your system?
THC is broken down (metabolized) in the liver. So, drug tests measure the metabolites still present in bodily fluids. There are a variety of tips, tricks, and products designed to speed up the metabolic breakdown—but there are no guarantees that they will help you pass a drug test.
According to Healthline, THC metabolites are detectable for an average of 1 to 30 days in saliva, blood, and urine—and up to 90 days in your hair. The more THC you use, and the more frequent your use, the more likely it will be detected.
How long does THC stay in your hair?
THC can be detected in your hair follicles for significantly longer than your bodily fluids. Cannabinoids travel through small blood vessels to your hair follicles. They also mix into your hair’s sebum, a naturally occurring protective oil, infusing metabolites into your hair shaft. Testing the hair that is 1.5 inches from the scalp can measure metabolites for up to 90 days. Longer hair may not provide an accurate reading.
However, hair strand tests have a high likelihood of a false positive. This is often due to applying bleach, dye, and other chemicals to the hair. For this reason, testing bodily fluids is more common.
How long does THC stay in your saliva?
Standard saliva tests measure THC metabolites for 24 to 36 hours. More sensitive tests can detect use for closer to 72 hours. Those with chronic heavy use might test positive for longer, but the odds are lower. Saliva tests aren’t used as often in professional settings.
How long does THC stay in your blood?
Blood tests are also uncommon for employers and schools, as they require a medical professional who is trained and certified to draw blood. Also, THC metabolites leave your bloodstream faster than they leave your liver. On average, THC metabolites can be tested for up to 5 hours after use. More advanced tests may be able to detect metabolites for up to 7 days.
How long does THC stay in your urine?
When answering the question of how long does 0.3 THC stay in your system, most want to know how long THC metabolites can be measured in urine. This is the most common form of testing, especially for employment.
According to the National Library on Medicine, in urine, the THC concentration for detection must be 50 nanograms per milliliter. This is approximately one-billionth of a gram. The dose and frequency of use for urine detection can vary greatly but is typically between 3 and 15 days.
Those with chronic and heavy cannabis use may have metabolites in their urine for 30 days or more.
Why does THC stay in your body for so long?
We don’t really think about how long anything we ingest, apply topically, or smoke stays in our body. Although you may no longer feel high or be experiencing the wellness benefits of THC or CBD, detectable amounts are found in your hair, blood, liver, tissue, muscles, organs, saliva, and urine.
Other Scheduled Substances can also show up on a drug test. How long each of the drugs below is detectable varies by the drug, frequency of use, individual metabolism, and other factors.
Drug screens test for:
5-Panel Rapid Tests screen for the five drug classes tested on most standard panels. These include:
- Marijuana (THC)
- Cocaine
- Amphetamines
- Phencyclidine (PCP)
- Opiates
10-Panel Rapid Tests are expanded to include up to 10 drug classes. They also come in 6, 7, 8, and 9-panel options. They test for more illicit drug classes, including:
- Marijuana (THC)
- Cocaine
- Amphetamines
- Phencyclidine (PCP
- Opiates
- Barbiturates
- Benzodiazepines
- Methadone
- Oxycodone
- Methamphetamine
How to guarantee that you will pass a drug test?
There are a variety of liver and blood cleanse products that are suggested to increase your odds of passing a drug test. However, none of these products can guarantee that you will pass your drug test—because there are no guarantees. These cleanses don’t even make the claim on their label because they legally can’t.
You may have also been advised to drink more water before a urine test. Again, there are no guarantees.
The only way to guarantee that you will pass a drug test is if you abstain from using all cannabis-derived products.
If marijuana is legal in my state, why would I be tested for THC?
Until all cannabis products have been declassified as Schedule I drugs, employers, schools, and extracurricular activities can prohibit the use and/or possession. This means that they can test for use and establish consequences. This can include loss of employment, suspension, and more.
However, change may be on the way. Here is a hopeful expert from President Biden’s marijuana reform statement:
“I am asking the Secretary of Health and Human Services and the Attorney General to initiate the administrative process to review expeditiously how marijuana is scheduled under federal law. Federal law currently classifies marijuana in Schedule I of the Controlled Substances Act, the classification meant for the most dangerous substances. This is the same schedule as for heroin and LSD, and even higher than the classification of fentanyl and methamphetamine – the drugs that are driving our overdose epidemic.”
Even if declassified, just like alcohol, employers, schools, and extracurricular activities can still prohibit onsite use and possession. Or they can prohibit showing up to work, school, or activities while under the influence. However, if declassified, the consequences are likely to be more in line with alcohol use.
Where to legally purchase Delta 9 THC?
Even if recreational or medical marijuana isn’t legal in your state, most states allow you to purchase Delta 9 online. Holmes Organics has Hemp-Derived Delta 9 THC Gummies with 5 mg of THC and 25 mg of CBD per serving. Currently, we don’t ship our Delta 9 products to Oregon or Idaho. Our CBD Products can be shipped to all 50 states.
Have more questions?
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