Unplugging During COIVD-19

The concept of minimizing screen time for balance certainly isn’t new but unplugging during COVID-19 is essential for peace of mind. Between working from home, the 24-hour news cycle, and staying connected with your loved ones—you may be plugged in more than you were pre-pandemic. These tips will help.

Use A Screen Time App

Screen time apps aren’t just for kids! There are several screen time apps geared toward helping adults achieve balance. This might mean limiting how much time you spend on social media per day, scheduling uninterrupted times, blocking sites you spend too much time on, minimizing instant alerts, and even providing in-depth analytics for where your time is spent online per day, week, and month. The analytics may surprise you.

Use A Separate Line For Business Calls

If you are working from home, you need to create a distinct start and end time for your day. Pre-pandemic this meant answering emails, but now you have more phone calls to manage at home. It’s difficult not to answer weekend and after-hours business calls that come in on your smartphone, so use a separate line. Use call forwarding to your smartphone during business hours and shutting it off as soon as your day ends. Ask your employer to consider VoIP phones (voice over the internet protocol) that allows you to both forward calls and take business calls from your computer instead of your personal phone. If you already have a high volume of calls coming to your smartphone, get a second phone so you have one for work and one for friends and family. Installing an office landline is always an option but turn the ringer off at the end of the day.

Maximize Your Mini Devices

If you have a notebook or e-reader remove everything but entertainment and communication apps. This way you can semi-unplug while staying connected to friends and family. For example, download Facebook Messenger and WhatsApp, but not Facebook, web browsers, or other social media apps. Forward personal calls to your smartwatch to video chat or make phone calls while you semi-unplug.

Dedicate Always Unplugged Times

The average person checks their phone 96 times per day, or once every 10 minutes. Constantly checking your phone takes you out of the present moment, degrades engagement, and decreases focus. So, you should clearly define times that you are always unplugged. A few essential unplugged times might include:

  • The first hour after you wake up
  • 2 hours before you head to bed
  • In 1 or 2 hour blocks at work
  • While eating dinner
  • During family time
  • When on a date
  • During self-care time
  • While working out

Unplugging will ultimately improve balance, but it can feel a bit stressful at first. Not only is checking your devices a habit, but the fear of missing out is real. The goal is to relax so plan something during the times you unplug and consider Holmes Organics CBD to soothe your mind and body to maximize your “me time”.

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