What Are You Waiting For?

Little in 2020 went as planned. We’ve all been forced to put our plans on hold or have had to completely shift gears. With the New Year almost here it’s time to consider what comes next. While much has yet to be resolved, we cannot put our lives on hold until the timing is better. Even without the pandemic, political stressors, and social injustice—timing is rarely perfect. So, what are you waiting for?

Create A New Plan

The New Year is the perfect time for a fresh start. Instead of setting the typical resolutions set a few clear, detailed, and measurable goals personalized to you. This may be a return to the plan you had for 2020 or a goal created by or inspired by the events of the past year. Consider goals for your personal life, mental health, personal relationships, professional relationships, and whole-body health. Map your plan out in small and measurable chunks so that you don’t feel overwhelmed.

Continue To Learn And Grow

We must never stop learning and growing, which is why your plan must include identifying the resources required to help you succeed. Even if it’s a subject you are already well-versed in, you must stay up-to-date with the most recent trends and advancements.

If you aren’t well-versed, there has never been an easier or more cost-effective way to access information. Traditional education is still a top option, but don’t count out the alternatives. Many universities offer skill-specific 3 to 6 month courses. You can find online courses from a long list of learning websites such as Udemy and MasterClass. Also, read books, industry publications and blogs, watch documentaries, search your topic of interest on both TED Talks and YouTube. Work with a coach who specializes in your goal to cheer you on, hold you accountable, and minimize roadblocks.

Be Willing To Adapt Your Plan

Adapting your plan isn’t giving up, it’s adjusting to the circumstances. For example, you may have rarely or never worked from home pre-pandemic—but are grateful your company adapted their business model so that you can continue to work while social distancing. Many businesses have gone under since the pandemic began. There is a variety of contributing factors, some of which are the plain and simple fact that not all businesses adapted fast enough.

Your plan and goal may be personal, but as you can see, without adapting when the need arises you limit your success. However, tragedies aren’t the only reason to adapt. As you continue to learn and grow, you may find more efficient, effective, and innovative ways to get where you are going.

Stop Giving Power To Your Limitations

In the incomparable words of Maya Angelou’s poem, Still I Rise. If you haven’t yet, it’s time to pick yourself back up and start moving forward again. You may be far from where you began, and you may take two steps forward and one step back, but you will move forward.

Even when odds aren’t in your favor, we must not give power to all that can go wrong. There is always a way to achieve your dreams so you must invest more energy in your goals, than all that can go wrong. This won’t eliminate the roadblocks but will help you find innovative alternatives.

Find Your Tribe

If one of the challenges you face is that you don’t have enough people in your life who are open-minded, supportive, innovative, or positive—it’s time to expand your social circle. Having people in your life who help you talk through your options is essential, but you must be mindful that you are sharing with those who lift you up. This means less time with those who point out everything that can or does go wrong, and more with those who authentically cheer you on and help you identify the lessons learned in the mistakes along the way.

In addition to who you already know, you must expand your personal and professional social circles. Head online to search for live and virtual networking groups, forums, local groups, Meetups, and hobby or interest-specific groups.

Reframe Failures And Mistakes

Thomas Edison is one of the most well-known inventors in the world. He invented the light bulb and inventions that inspired many of the technologies we rely on today in our daily lives. This includes movie cameras, alkaline batteries, the telephone, recording devices, the phonograph to play music, telegraph, and more. But did you know that it took him 1,000 tries to get the light bulb right?

When asked how 1,000 failures felt he replied, “I didn’t fail 1,000 times. The light bulb was an invention with 1,000 steps. Great success is built on failure, frustration, and even catastrophe.”

Use Edison’s wise words as inspiration the next time you make a mistake, fail, or meet an unexpected roadblock. Develop your resilience by looking for and learning from these lessons.

Give Yourself Permission

Sometimes the dream in your heart or the goal you are working towards has you feeling imposter syndrome or the dreaded “who do you think you are?”. This is especially important if you have a parent or loved one whose support you desire, but don’t have. You have the right to be happy, healthy, financially independent, and successful. It’s time to give yourself permission.

Stop Comparing Yourself To Others

Whether it’s someone you know, a thought leader, or a public figure, it’s important to have people you look to for inspiration. They show you that your dreams and goals are achievable, and they keep you motivated. While you may look to others who are already where you are heading when mapping out your plan, you must make your goal unique to you. This includes tweaking the strategy you use to get there and determining what success looks like for you. Your goal should never be to have, do, or be exactly like someone else—be your authentic you!

On the flip side, we can also use comparison to limit what we believe we can achieve. This links back to imposter syndrome. If your dream or goal is something no one you know has achieved, you may not believe you have it in you. This could be anything from getting a college degree, launching a successful business, managing your mental health, having healthy relationships, and more. Again, your goals are about you, so create a strategy, and go all in.

Maintain Balance

While you must commit to your goal, you must also prioritize balance. Balance is achieved through a combination of daily, weekly, and as-needed habits and activities. Personalize what brings you balance with any of the options below:

  • Proper nutrition
  • Physical fitness
  • Implementing a daily gratitude practice
  • Unplugging at a set time each day
  • Reading for pleasure
  • Listening to music
  • Indulging in a guilty pleasure such as watching reruns of your favorite show
  • Doing crafts, playing sports, or a hobby you enjoy
  • Socializing with friends and family who lift you up
  • Mixing in wellness activities such as massage and meditation
  • Spending time in nature or exploring natural alternatives
  • Prioritizing your mental health with traditional or alternative therapy
  • Taking your scheduled time off or even a few personal days
  • Anything that helps you relax, unwind, and recharge

It’s time to stop waiting and start living! To help soothe your mind and body as you strive toward your goals, we invite you to consider Holmes Organics CBD.

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